04/10/1972 - Fees Fiddle?

Publication date: 04/10/1972


What years were you at Newcastle University?: 

Re: P.1 Fees Fiddle: - Back in 1972, vandalism and other causes of damage to Hall Property was always a bane for the JCR Committee - the culprits were rarely found, and the damage rarely due to fair wear and tear. There seems to have always been a small minority of a population that lacks maturity and relishes acts of irresponsible vandalism. The Warden and I were constantly trying to resolve how best to deal with these occurrences. In hindsight, the Caution Fee was one way of dealing with this problem, another is using JCR Funds, or alternatively to increase the residential fees. How is this problem handled in 2016. Ed. (edward.L.williams100@gmail.com)